Merlin has been done to death. This time, got a new twist on Merlin.
In the ancient world there was four most powerful Empires throughout the Euro Asian continent.
The Roman Empire, Persian Empire, India Empire and the Han Empire.
Due to the distance, direct contact between the Han Empire and the Roman Empire was rare. The Han people refer to the Romans as DaiChing, meaning the China at the other end of the world. The Romans refer to the Han dynasty as Silkadia meaning the land of silk.
5th century, the Huns emerged in central Asia. The barbarian tribes threaten all major empires. By this time the Han Empire has fallen, replacing it was a period of civil war and then a new dynasty known as the Tang Empire. The Tang dynasty send its army and started to push the Huns west, far away from Chinese soil. As a result, the Hun start attacking the Romans. The East was technological more advance compare to the west in that time of history. The west was still in the process of moving from the bronze age to the metal age, while the East, the transformation is complete. Thus, despite been mere savages, the Hun still possess a great threat to the Romans. The Romans defeat the Huns but at great cost. And in the mist, General Constancy saw his opportunity and conducted his military coup and crowned himself the Emperor of Rome.
Knowing he is not the legitimate Emperor and will never win the heart of the people, Constancy made the Christianity the official religion of the State and created the Roman Catholic Church, declaring himself its first pope. Base on the Christian believe of "All other gods are evil demonic false god pretending to be god" and "all knowledge not from its religion to be evil witchcraft from Satan." Constancy started making his move against his opponents, starting from the educated. He declare for the Catholic Church to be the only legitimate authority of Christianity and declare any other church to be false and turn on the Christians also.
Using Christianity as his excuse, Constancy order the burning of books and execution of educated throughout Rome, burning them on the stake accusing them of practice evil witchcraft. And so, Europe's Dark Ages begun...
One Hundred years later,
Uther is a young warrior, his clan are descendants of the remain of a Roman legion that sworn to fight for Rome, against the tyranny of the church. Uther is direct decent of their leader a Roman Centurion and thus, Uther's father succeed the position as their leader. After one hundred years, they are still fighting a gorilla warfare against the church, within the jungle.
Uther and his four men rode through the jungle. They are on a quest from their father. To find a legionary wizard, known as Merlin. Nobody ever saw Merlin before, but legion told he is extremely powerful, the last of Demi-God of the Pagans Gods or by the interpretation of the church the child between a demon and a human, as the church believe all other gods are demons pretending to be gods.
Uther and his men rode for days, hoping to find Merlin. And suddenly, a loud bang and the sword of one of the men was shot out of Uther's men, another bang and a second sword was shot off. From the woods was two men and two women. The women were each holding a metal lance, and a strange instrument on the tip, one woman was quick to reload one of the lance aimed it at a sword and fired via, smashing a rock against it, the lance fired a small bullet and shot another sword out of the third soldier's hand.
Uther still got his sword on his hand. The four person standing facing them, had a male leader. He is a boy, look no longer then sixteen, Uther was twenty. The boy was also oriental in appearance
"Pick up your sword" the boy said
"You look a bit young to be in charge." Uther said
"Pick up your sword." the boy said again
"What is your name," Uther asked
"Lan Celou, but most people here call me Lancelot." the boy replied. "Nobody can pronounce an orient name, accurately."
"Well, I will try my best, Lan Celou." Uther said "But I ensure you, I mean you no harm. Those magical staff, it take time to reload, right?"
Lancelot charged forward with his saber. His fighting style is different from the west, and Uther responded with his broad sword, they fought five round until both Uther and Lancelot had their sword at each other's throat.
Uther saw the women had reloaded their firing staff.
"I assure you, I mean you no harm." Uther said.
As a prove of good faith, Uther drop his sword and step back.
"And I got a feeling. You got no intention to kill us either. Those firing lance you got, the rock it shoot, something tell me, it can do more then just shoot a sword out of a man's hand, but can kill a man." Uther said.
"What sort of magic is that?" Uther asked
"It is not magic. It is science." Lancelot replied "The firing thing attached to the tip of the wooden staff, it is call a hand cannon. It can shoot rocks. Why you intrude on our land"
"I am here to find the great wizard Merlin. I take it, you are his men?" Uther said
"What purpose do you have for your visit?" Lancelot asked
"For his council." Uther replied
"Master Merlin see no outsiders, especially not a servant of Christ or the Church." Lancelot replied
"We are not Christians. We are Pagans and we been fighting a brutal campaign against the church's tyranny." Uther replied
"What prove you got." Lancelot asked
"My word, as the son of the clan of Pen-dragon." Uther replied
"And I can claim I am Hercules himself." Lancelot replied
"Master Lancelot." one of the women that come with Lancelot said and pointed at the man lying at the back of the horse.
Lancelot took a look at him. The man run a high fever.
"This man is very sick." Lancelot said
"We got no medicine." Uther said "We need the help of Master Merlin, both his council and his ability as a healer."
"Master Lancelot, it is master's instruction never to refused those who are seriously ill." the woman said again
Lancelot thought for a second. "Alright" he finally said, "But only the sick."
"He is one of my man and I got the responsibility to see to his safety" Uther said
Lancelot thought again, he instructed his people to cover Uther's eyes with a black cloth and then put a bag over his head.
"The rest of your men should remain here." Lancelot replied.
Uther and the sick men was led by Lancelot and his people, until he reached a small village.
The bag over Uther's head and cloth over his eyes were removed.
"We should send your man to receive medical attention." Lancelot said
Within the village there were more male guards, some were carrying swords, others carry those firing lance.
Two men let Uther's soldier off the horse and send him to two women that led the soldier to seek medical help.
"I still wish an audience with Master Merlin." Uther said
"Follow your men and seek his recovery for now. A meeting should be arranged." Lancelot replied
Later that night. Uther was finally given an audience.
There was a big camp fire in the middle of the village.
Uther approached, sitting on an alter was an skinny elderly man, with long white messy grey beard and long white messy grey hair. The old man is so skinny that he looked boney.
"So you are Uther Pen-dragon." the old man said
Uther got down on one knee and bow "Master Merlin, we humbly request your help, in the..." Uther's sentence was cut off
"And why should we help you? You see our village, it is prosper here. Why risk all of it?" The old man said
"The Church's influence, is going to reach here. And if they took the village, all your prosperity, all of your harmony, will be destroy in the name of blasphemy. Every man and woman that ever read a book, would be executed for witchcraft, burn on the stake. Your science and medicine, would be label as demonic witchcraft from Satan. Your children will live and die, like slave, if lucky to live past thirty five, if not die of starvation. Help us, my Lord and we might just stand a chance to overthrow the church." Uther said
"Or maybe we just hide here. Thing seem to be good for us, grow strong and overthrow the church ourselves." the old man said
"One stick break easily, but united we stand. I humbly request your reconsider." Uther said
"And how are we to know you are a trust worthy ally?" the old man said
"That is enough, Antonia." the sound of a woman said.
"Yes, my Lady." the old man said.
It is only now that Uther noticed the screen behind the old man.
From behind the screen a beautiful, elegant and graceful oriental woman walked out to the front.
The old man walked off the seat, bow and walked to the side.
The woman was wearing an oriental beautiful blue dress. Her hair was decorated with beautiful golden accessories.
The woman, is the most beautiful woman that Uther ever seen. As the woman walked out, everybody got down on their knee.
The woman stood in front of the throne. "I am the one you are seeking. I am Yuan Merlin." she said
Uther was a bit surprised.
"My Lady." Uther said, his voice was a bit shaken.
"What is wrong" Merlin replied
"Nothing it is just..." Uther tried to find the right word
"I am not what you expected." Merlin replied "The world painted me as some old man, old and wrinkle. So, I decided to let Antonio front for me. Tell me Uther Pen-dragon, do I look like a wrinkle old man?"
"No, not at all my Lady." Uther said
Merlin turned to Lancelot "Celou" Merlin said
"Yes, mother." Lancelot replied
"You can prepare for Lord Uther's departure. His men that is sicked, he largely recovered after drinking my herb. Continue to do as instructed and he should be fine in a week or two." Merlin said and started to walk away
"Yes, mother." Lancelot replied
"Master Merlin, I beg of you..." Uther's sentence was cut off.
Merlin stopped. "I know the purpose of your visit. The army of the Catholic Church is arriving to force you into submission. Your only hope is to build that fort to withstand the enemy attack. But the fort continue to fall, regardless of what you do. I might be living in remote. But I am still aware of what is going on in the world." Merlin said
"Then you know the danger. The Pen-Dragon clan, remain as one of the few forces of good left fighting against the tyranny of the church." Uther said
Merlin stopped for a second "Prince Uther, tell your father that the reason that the Fort continue to fall, is due to it is build upon a wet foundation. Find dry land to build your fort on and your fort should not fall." Merlin said "It is late at night. We should allow you to remain in the village tonight and prepare for your departure tomorrow."
"And I fear without your personal instruction, my Lady, we might not able to find the dry land to build the fort." Uther said
After hearing what Uther had to say, Merlin walked off
That night Lancelot arranged for Uther to sleep in his room. But Uther can't sleep, feeling he fail in his quest, to invite the great Merlin for help. She is not at all what Uther expected.
Merlin, was along in her room, she was still a very elegant lady, and she was gently playing her instrument. Merlin's room was also of elegant taste. From the cottage where his room is located, Uther can hear the instrument playing.
A while later, Lancelot entered Merlin's room.
"Mother" Lancelot said
"Come in, sit down." Merlin said
Lancelot sat down.
"You are going to be seventeen soon. What about the daughter of Cicero. The two of you get along very well and the two of you seem found of each other. What if I talk to him, about arranging for your marriage." Merlin said
"Livia and I are close friends, but her heart lean to another." Lancelot said
"Pity" Merlin said
"Would you help the Pen-dragon clan?" Lancelot said
"Do you think I should?" Merlin said
"I don't know, mother." Lancelot replied
"That Uther Pen-dragon, if your big sister is still alive, she also be twenty now." Merlin said "I married your father when I was fourteen, we only had two years together, till he die and I was exile to Europe. At first I thought, been in Europe might not be so bad. At least a quiet place for you to grow up. But here, it is more chaotic. I spend sixteen years in this village, as a teacher for the children and as its healer and won a position of respect here. Now, there are those asking me to do more. Tell me, do you think I should go?" Merlin said
"I don't know mother." Lancelot said
Merlin smiled "Alright, go get some sleep." Merlin said
Lancelot left the room.
The next day, Uther was prepared to leave with his man. On another horseback, it was Merlin, she is thirty one, she doesn't look a day over twenty-one. This time, Merlin was wearing red and white hunter gear, she had a saber tied to her horse and a firing lance, in her hand. She had three men following her, including Lancelot, all got a saber and firing lance also. They also had bow and arrow with them. Apart from Merlin and Lancelot the others are Caucasians.
"Does this mean you agree to help us, my Lady." Uther said
"So far it only mean I will personally escort you out of our land. Let's see how thing goes from there." Merlin said "What are you waiting for, it is time to get going."
Uther smiled he and his men got on the horse, their eyes was again cover by a black cloth and head cover by a bag, as they got escorted out of Merlin's land.
Merlin and her men, escort Uther and his soldier out of their land. But then, Merlin, Lancelot and her men travel with Uther back to the Pen-dragon clan.
On their travel they saw soldiers dragging people out of their home and to chop off their head.
Merlin didn't hesitate she grabbed her firing lance and shot the soldier that was about to chop off people's head. Lancelot and another one of Merlin's men also fired their firing lance and each killed a soldier, They grabbed their saber and charged forward and started fighting the soldiers. Uther and his men quickly followed.
In the middle of the sword fights, Uther and his men intervene.
"Wait we are all on the same team." Uther said
The soldier realized it was Uther "My Lord" they said
Uther took a look at what was happening "What is the meaning of all these!" Uther angrily said.
"Forgive me, My Lord. It is the order of Lord Vortigern. He said that the reason the fort keep on falling, is due to the gods demand blood, and only by sacrifice, can the fort stand." the soldier said
"This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life!" Merlin said angrily. "Uther Pen-dragon, is this how you Pen-dragon clan operate?"
"Believe me, my Lady. It is not the custom of the Pen-dragon clan to kill the innocent like this. But Vortigern. He got his unique believe." Uther said
"And what do you believe in?" Merlin said
"I believe if Vortigern continue to remain in my father's council, he should be the doom of the Pen-dragon clan." Uther said "And that is why I am so eager to find you and your council."
"I will trust you this one time and let's see what you got." Merlin said
"Return to camp. Tell him that I have found the Master Merlin and she should help us to our victory." Uther said
"But, if I again see such none sense of human sacrifice. I should become your destruction." Merlin said
The soldiers took a look at Uther.
"Well, what are you waiting for. Go!" Uther said
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William Moseley as Uther Pendragon |
The soldier was quick to return to camp.
At camp, Vortigern was furious with the news of the death of his men and demand justice from their King.
"That Merlin, obviously side with the enemy. He not yet joined us and already three of our men, die in his hand." Vortigern said
"Or maybe if you didn't order your men for some barbaric none sense, they won't die. Their blood is on your hand." Uther's voice boomed as he opened the gate with both his hand, following him, was Merlin, Lancelot Uther's men and Merlin's men.
"How dare you, all I do is for the success of Pen-dragon clan. Or do you hope for its destruction in the hand of the Catholics." Vortigern said
"And at what cost? Uther said angrily. "You lower yourself to the status of the church, then in what way are we better."
"The gods demand blood, for the fort to build. They are angry! That is why the fort cannot be constructed. Do you wish for us to die in the hand of the Catholics!" Vortigern said
"This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard." Merlin said
"And who is this woman that think she can speak among men." Vortigern said
"This woman is the Master Merlin." Uther said
"The Master Merlin? Have you lost your mind, Prince Uther. A woman can be the legendary master Merlin." Vortigern laughed and then his expression become serious "Alright, let me test her."
Merlin grabbed her saber and was prepared to engaged.
"Wait, mother, let me handle this fool for you." Lancelot said
Lancelot grabbed his saber and engaged Vortigern. Lancelot and Vorgitern exchanged eight moves and then, Lancelot had his saber against Vortigern's throat.
"What do you got to say now?" Lancelot said
Vorgitern quickly smiled "Misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding" Vorgitern quickly said and walked backwards.
Merlin walked to the center of the room "The fort cannot be built, due to the land chosen for its building is upon a wet foundation. Chose a dry foundation and the fort can be built."
"And what if you are wrong?' Somebody from the crowd asked
"Then the god is not on your side, because you anger the god so much by trying to behead people." Merlin said
"I heard enough. We should find a new location to build the fort." replied Uther's father "I ask of you the Lady Merlin to help us to find a land with the right foundation and can be defended and we should give you any payment you hope for."
So, Merlin founded a piece of land with the right foundation and can be defended.
So, that is where the Pen-dragon clan built their fort and this time, the fort no longer collapse in the building process.
Three months later, when the soldier of the church arrived, the fort was long ready.
The church had an army of five hundred men, they try to charge and attack the fort. The Pen-dragon clan defend the fort furiously.
Standing on the tall tower, was Merlin, Lancelot and Merlin's men. Merlin got no interest in helping the Pen-dragon fight their war, but merely to help them to build their fort. They stood there and watch the two side battle each other.
After observing the battle from the tower window for a while, Merlin instructed one of her handmaids to bring her bow. A small rocket was attached to the arrow and the rocket fuse was lite. Merlin fired the arrow at the person, that is now obvious to her to be the leader of the Catholic forces. The arrow was blocked by a shield. But as it made contact with the shield, it blow a big hole, within the enemy's shield wall.
Uther's father saw the opportunity and order for archers to start firing, many enemy fall, forcing them to retreat. As the enemy retreated away from the fort. Within the bushes, Uther and his men charged and ambushed the Catholic forces and dismantle the enemy army. Thus, the Pen-dragon clan won a major victory.
Uther hope for Merlin to remain in council for the Pen-dragon clan.
Merlin didn't response, instead Merlin led Uther to the lake.
"You will become the King of the Pen-dragon clan." Merlin said "Vorgitern is an agent of the Catholic church, here to betray you. If he is to remain, your father should die and so shall you your brother Constanz. Thus, you should become King. But if you are not to rid Vorgitern of the Pan-dragon clan, you too should die in his hand. On the day where you need to rid the Pen-dragon clan of Vorgitern, I shall return to help you."
Vorgitern was as Merlin expected, a traitor of the Pen-dragon clan to the church. He kissed the foot of the bishop as he apologize for the failure. With the fort been built upon a bad foundation, it gave Vorgitern an excuse to say that it anger the gods and human sacrifice is needed and ordered his men to start the execution, hoping it will change people's opinion against the Pen-dragon clan.
Thus, the bishop order for Vorgitern to assassinate the bloodline of the King of the Pen-dragon clan.
After hearing what Merlin had to say, Uther rode back to warn his brother and father.
The night before, Uther's father had a massive celebration for their victory against the church. But what they didn't know is that the food was poison by Vorgitern's men, as many men fall ill due to the poison and died, including Uther's brother Constanz, Vorgitern's men sneaked into the fort late at night and massacre the soldiers of the fort. When Uther returned to the fort, all that Uther saw was a site been slaughtered,
Uther was shocked by seen the death. Merlin walked forward not far behind him. Uther was furious
"Why didn't you warn them! Why didn't you warn them!" Uther yelled towards Merlin.
"Will your father listen to me? Or your brother?" Merlin replied "I pulled you away so the Pen-dragon line will still got a King. Otherwise, you too will die, in the massacre."
Far away they here the sound of horses approaching
"Vorgitern's men, come, we need to move." Merlin said
Uther followed Merlin into hiding.
"What I must do?" Uther said
"Hide and form alliance" Merlin replied
Lancelot and some of Merlin's men were awaiting.
Uther and Merlin met with them.
"What we do now?" Uther said
"The Pen-dragon clan isn't destroy. It is only in disarray. Vorgitern and the church will use this chance, to destroy the Pen-dragon clan, every Lord of the Pen-dragon clan and his men would be taken down and destroy." Merlin said
"Then what must we do?" Uther said
"To form alliance. It take too long to reunite what the Pen-dragon clan, we must form alliance with other forces. Lords who also hate the church, but too weak to do so."
Thus, Merlin send her people to reached out to the Saxons while Uther remain in hiding. They reached for Saxons throughout the land, while Vorgitern and his men openly support the church and the pope crown Vorgitern the King of the Saxons. Vorgitern order for submission, as the King of the Saxons. But the Saxons renounce Vorgitern as their King and claim only for Uther to be their one and only true King.
Lancelot went to persuade the most powerful ally, the Duke Gorlois of Cornwall. For a long time, Gorlois try to maintain his balance and stay out of the war, he claim to submit to the rule of the church on the surface, but secretly funded the Pen-dragon clan. Thus, its people can remain in peace, but stay out of the war.
"War is upon us my Lord. For now, you only need to submit to the church in name, due to the Pen-dragon clan been keeping your boarder safe for you. But with the Pen-dragon clan destroy, who will protect your boarders? Are you strong enough to fend against the will of the church, by yourself?" Lancelot said "Even now, your court got a spy of the church."
Lancelot pointed his saber towards one of Duke Gorlois' men.
"This notion is absurd! Are you going to listen to this mad man?" said the adviser
"So, are you saying that if we go to your home, we won't find gold given to you by the church and a cross and a bible?" Lancelot said
The man was outraged and was quick to grab a dagger and hold Duke Gorlois' wife hostage.
"Philip, how could you. I never thought my most trust adviser of twenty years, could betray me." Lord Gorlois said
"The church's complete rule over Europe is just a matter of time. And I for one, plan not to be burned on the stake for blasphemy, like the rest of you!" Philip said
Lancelot smiled and as quick as his hand move, he threw a dart that blinded Philip's left eye. Duke Gorlois' wife, the Lady Igraine was able to quickly escape from his grasp.
Philip's men grab their sword, there was five of them, Duke Gorlois' men were quick to grab their weapon.
"If you may, my Lord, let me handle them." Lancelot said "I've been itching for a good fight."
The five men attacked Lancelot. But Lancelot was great with his saber and one by one Philip's men fall.
"Take him to the dungeon. Find out who else are an agent of the church." Duke Gorlois pointed to Philip and said
Then, Duke Gorlois turned to Lancelot "And you got your alliance, young man." he said
So, with Duke Gorlois as an ally and the gathering of each tribe of the Pen-dragon clan, more Saxons came to the aid, Uther now got his army.
Thus, Merlin and Uther return and joined this army.
The commanders debate regarding to how to fight the Christian army, commanded by Vorgitern. This army is huge in size. the commanders all insist on withdrawing. However, Merlin recommend otherwise.
"Vorgitern got two thousand soldiers and we only got five hundred, how big of a risk is it?" one of the Chieftain said
"If you don't trust me, then trust the magic. I don't have time to explain, but the enemy army, should be cut down in size." Merlin said
"I trust the decision of the Lady Merlin, she not been wrong so far." Uther said
Merlin send her people to scout a location for the battlefield and already done her home work.
"If we force an attack, we get to decide the location of the battlefield. Vorgitern is confident in his number. If we attack, he will greet us in battle. Along the river, there are those where the ice is thin, when Vorgitern's army cross the river, the ice will crack and once the ice crack the rest of his army cannot cross the water. His army will be split apart, we will be able to defeat what army he got that already crossed the river with ease." Merlin explained.
So, the army went by Merlin's decision.
Vorgitern laughed as he saw Uther's forces choosing to attack, when they were been outnumbered four to one.
Vorgitern ordered for his army to marched forward. As they marched forward Uther order for his army to retreat. Vorgitern laughed and order his soldiers to keep marching forward, but little did Vorgitern know that the ice upon this water is thin and finally the ice cracked. Seen the ice cracked, Uther ordered for archers to fired their arrows and then the soldiers charged. Vorgitern's soldiers that crossed the river was outnumbered two to one and many was killed. From the hill, Merlin and Lancelot watched the battle. Lancelot gave Merlin's men a signal. Thirty archers fired two rounds of rocket arrows from a range not able to be reached by ordinary arrows, the rocket arrows fired across the river and upon Vorgitern's men and exploded upon contact. It forced Vorgitern to order a full scaled retreat.
Vorgitern's soldiers that crossed the river was been attacked from three sides. Within two hours the army that crossed the river was defeated.
Vorgitern now it only got five hundred soldiers left.
"The rest is up to you and Duke Gorlois to complete." Merlin told Uther.
Uther and Gorlois ordered for their soldiers to cross the river.
Vorgitern retreated to defend his fort.
Uther and Gorlois made camp outside of Vorgitern's fort, as more Saxons joined Uther's forces against Vorgitern. Now Uther got an army of two thousand men.
Merlin came, she know the fort of Vorgitern is not able to be taken by force and trying to starve them into surrender would take too long. So, she device a plan to try lure Vorgitern's army out of their fort.
When a spy of Vorgitern was caught. Merlin told the spy to send message that Uther and Gorlois had a fall out and Gorlois is to pull his army out.
When Gorlois' army left, so did many Saxons. Uther had no choice but to retreat. Thinking that the war turned to his favor, Vorgitern order his army to open the gate and attack Uther's forces. But instead, Vorgitern fall into a trap and was ambushed by Gorlois' army and the other Saxons.
Just like that Vorgitern was defeated.
Uther ordered for Vorgitern's fort to be burned to the ground.
The war is over and Uther and Gorlois celebrated their alliance with many Saxon chieftain. Standing on the side of the party was Merlin, unlike how she normally dress that is of grace and elegant, tonight at this party she worn oriental men clothing and look rather serious and is wearing a hat.
She didn't participate in the party, instead stood on the sideline and watch and later left, this party is far too uncultured for her taste.
The next day, Uther was crowned as King of the Saxon by the joining of the Saxon Chieftains.
Today is the first time he met Gorlois' wife, the Lady Igraine. She was twenty years old and starting from that day forward Uther lust after her. He can't stop thinking about her beautiful. Gorlois consider Uther a personal friend and frequently visit and with every visit, Uther lust after Gorlois' wife more.
Then, one day Uther asked Merlin to help him, how he can lay with Gorlois' wife for just one night. Merlin was outraged and slapped Uther for his betraying of Gorlois' friendship.
The Catholic church again send soldiers to try conquer the Saxons. Uther and Gorlois against prepare an ally force to fight the church. But this time, Uther betrayed Gorlois. Uther's troops never arrived. Gorlois and his men fought bravely to the very end, awaiting a reinforcement that never arrived.
To be able to sleep with Igraine, Uther stole Merlin's sleeping formula and put it into Igraine's food and late at night dressed as Gorlois and enter Igraine's room. Thus, a confused Igraine allowed Uther to make love with him. Uther's obsession with her, become more jealous, controlling and he forced his will upon Igraine every night and forced her to submit to laying with him. Soon, Igraine became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Uther is overjoyed, but not Merlin.
Three days after the birth of Arthur and Igraine is well enough to move, Merlin met with Uther.
Jacqueline Scislowski as Lady Igraine |
"Give me your sword" Merlin said.
Uther gave Merlin the sword. Merlin stabbed the sword into a stone wall, within the stone wall is two big pieces of magnet and stick the sword well into it.
"Only those who are able to draw this sword out of this stone, should have the right to be the King of the Saxons!" Merlin said
Lancelot grabbed the baby out of Uther's hand.
"Let's go Igraine." Merlin said
Igraine followed Merlin and Lancelot.
"Do not let them leave!" Uther said "Guards, seize them"
"Who dare to try a move against the great wizard Merlin!" yelled Lancelot
This got the guards scared, partly due to their admiration to Merlin and partly due to fear, of her reputation as a wizard, nobody dared to make a move.
Igraine with baby Arthur in her hand, followed Merlin, Lancelot and three of Merlin's swordsmen and two handmaids each holding a firing lance. The soldiers moved back, as Merlin and her crew moved forward and left the land control by Uther.
Uther was furious, he tried to grabbed the sword out of the stone, but with all his might, Uther is not able to do so.
So, Merlin, Lancelot and Igraine returned to the village and there, Lancelot now the age of eighteen married seventeen years old Elaine of Astolat one of Merlin's students and a brilliant physician and the following year they birth a son name Galahad.
By the age of six, Arthur also became a student of Merlin, while Lancelot become the one that teaches Arthur the way of the sword.
Uther sank into madness and his neglect his duty as the king of the Saxons, to protect the Saxon boarder against the church.
After been in power for fifteen years, Uther passed away assassinated by the other Saxon Chieftains. Those that once serve him, now turn against him. The land sank into chaos, as each Chieftain fight to be King.
Peter Adrian Sudarso as Lancelot/Lan Celou |
A house divided against itself cannot stand. So, Merlin instructed for Lancelot to take the now sixteen years old Arthur back to reclaim his throne.
Merlin inform Arthur of the magnet that hold Excalibur in place and the secret switch that allow the dropping of two pieces of wood, between the magnet and the sword. Something that Merlin plan, since the day that Arthur was conceived.
Thus, Arthur and Lancelot went on their journey. On their quest they came across a group of bandit that Lancelot defeated with ease. Instead of going directly to pulled out the sword, Lancelot first went to greet every Saxon Chieftain all of whom know of Lancelot's name and asked them all to meet one month from now, at the fort of Uther. To the Chieftains Lancelot told them that Arthur is his son.
"Why not tell them, the truth." Arthur asked
"There is much you need to learn, my child. You are destine to be the King of the Saxon. But they too want to be the King. If we inform them you are the son of Uther, they shall kill the only line to the throne by blood, before you can reveal yourself to the world." Lancelot said
"What if I don't want to be King?" Arthur asked
Lancelot turned to Arthur "My child, always remember. Uther Pendragon may be your father by blood. But your adopted father, he shall never be. But the continue fighting between each Saxon clan, cannot withstand the threat of the church. But do not worry, for I will be your council and be your eyes and ears and for that, you shall be made a good King." Lancelot said
Lancelot and Arthur went to the fort of Uther Pendragon and there he saw the meeting of all the Chieftains of the Saxons.
"My Lords, the wars between the Saxons cannot continue. A King must exist to stand united against the threat." Lancelot said
"How do you propose?" a Chieftain said
"A dual of the sword. The best swordsman should be the King." Lancelot said
"In that case it must be you Master Lancelot, for you are the best swordsman in all of the lands." a Chieftain said
"I dare not, but whoever take the throne via sword might still not be able to win the support of all. I suggest, if possible somebody both by the way of the sword and by blood." Lancelot said
"Who here know of the blood of Uther?" a Chieftain said
Lancelot turned to Arthur "Stand, my child" Lancelot said
Arthur stood up "The son of Uther, Prince Arthur." Lancelot said
"Prove it!" the Chieftains yelled.
Lancelot nodded
Arthur went to the stone wall, he remember what Merlin said and pulled out the sword.
"Even so, should we follow this boy?" One Chieftain said "I challenge his skill in the sword."
Lancelot was about to fight on Arthur's behalf, until he was stopped by Arthur "Let, me master." Arthur said
Lancelot lower his saber.
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Skandar Keynes as Arthur |
Arthur grabbed Excalibur and fought the Chieftain, in six move, Arthur swing the sword out of the Chieftain's hand and had his sword at the Chieftain's throat, Lancelot trained him well.
"Who else, would like to try" Arthur said
Six Chieftain went onto the alter to test Arthur's skills in the sword and for all six times, Arthur won.
That had all but one Chieftain convinced and declare that he shall make war against Arthur.
Arthur was crowned the King of the Saxons and he rally the Saxon Chieftains to again fight the threat of the church. But that one Saxon Chieftain insisted on making war.
And so the two army faced off.
But Arthur refused to engaged him in battle.
"I do not dare to say I am a worthy King. But I am a King. I dare not ask you to be subject to such Kingship, just because of the dictation of blood. But the worthiness of blood is no longer so important, when we face threat from Rome. Shall we fight among ourselves for the throne, weaken ourselves against our enemy, so we can be easier to conquer? I do not ask to be your King forever, only for the uniting of all the Saxons. And when that day come where you all can agree upon a new King to lead you all, from that day forward, I shall step down. I only ask you all, for a the union of the Saxon not be divided, to stand as one against the threat." Arthur said
The Chieftain thought for a while "So be it, for now." the Chieftain said
To ensure the alliance, Arthur proposed a marriage with the Chieftain's daughter Guinevere that is twelve years his senior
And so, the Saxons was again united as one, under the reign of King Arthur and Lancelot became Arthur's first knight and Chief council.
Arthur allows for Christianity, but disallow the influence of the church upon his land and led the city of Camelot to become his new capital.
And soon the twelve Knight of Arthur's round table is filled. The twelve Knight each represent one month of the year, to work in rotation to assist the King, with Lancelot as its head and soon Lancelot's son and Arthur's best friend Galahad also joined the Knights.
Merlin decided to return to her life, as a simple teacher, when she realized, a not so simple new threat is on the arisen and trace back to how she were exile from the oriental land and into Europe over thirty two years ago...
Thirty two years ago, China Northern Wei dynasty...
Sixteen years old Princess Yuan Merlin 元美林saw the civil war spread throughout her nations. The name Merlin, represents the woods and beauty. When her parents was to name her, they were looking at a site of beautiful woods across a lake and thus, named her Merlin, hoping she will grow up to be like the beautiful site of the woods and this lake.
At the age of fourteen, her father married her to the son, of one of his greatest Generals.
Then the war broke out, the rebels ramp the Capital.
Merlin's husband fear for her safety, send her bodyguard to get her out of the city.
Merlin won't leave, insisting on waiting for her husband's return
"My Lady, if you don't leave now it will be too late!" the Captain of the bodyguards said "If not for yourself, at least for your son!"
That got Merlin to stopped and think, she looked at her infant son, three months old Lan Celou 藍思勞, which after moving to Europe, because nobody can pronounced his name, start calling him Lancelot. Merlin already had a miscarriage once. Finally, Merlin grabbed her baby, a few handmaid followed. The rebel had already broke into the palace. the bodyguards protected the princess and fought their way out of the palace, one by one, the handmaids and the body guards fall, by the time they got Merlin and baby Celou out, the Captain of the bodyguard was the only one left. The Captain gave the princess some fair for her travel, for he is not able to go with them, He inform the princess once out of the capital, there will be people waiting for her in a location and they shall travel west, until they are safe from the rebel and once it is safe, her husband will again send people to inform them, it is safe to come home.
But just like that thirty-two years passed. Merlin long given up hope of returning home to China and started her new life here. In Europe, she is well respected, by their standard, she was highly educated. In Asia, the university system has just been introduced, along with the primary education system. Merlin was one of the first generation, to get such education and institution that suppose to only be open for men, make exception for women of noble birth. The University system, origin from the Egyptians, passed to the Persia and then to the rest of the world.
For a long time, since the fall of Roman Empire, people as well educated compare to Merlin is unheard of, especially here in Saxon land. Except Merlin and her students.
But in a visit home, Lancelot brought troubling news.
"Are you sure?" Merlin asked
"I am certain, mother. Our enemy, their weapon included gun powder." Lancelot reply "Could it be one of your students?"
Merlin shook her head "Except for us and a small handful of students, nobody in Europe know of gun powder. All the students that know of gun powder, you know them too. And their characters are all tested. Some, also work for the court of Arthur. In all reasonable logic, no enemy of our, should possibly have gun powder based weapon." Merlin said
"We also recovered one firing lance." Lancelot said "If it is not from our camp, all we can concluded is that another educated from the East arrived."
Late at night, Arthur was asleep in his bed, suddenly three assassin slide into Arthur's room through the castle window. They charged into the room to kill the King and stabbed the bed. But was shocked to see, the bed only had a dead pig.
"It is a trap." One assassin said
Lancelot and guards came in through the door.
"Arrest them" Lancelot said
But before the guards can react, they threw an explosive from their pocket.
"Hide!" Lancelot recognize explosive and yelled.
But some of the soldiers never saw explosive before picked it up and got killed by the explosion. The three assassin ran out through the window and jumped down, to escape.
Lancelot wasn't willing to give up, he grabbed the bed spread and wrapped it around his hand and slide down the rope and chase after the assassins.
Lancelot faced off the three assassins and started fighting furiously.
Arthur personally followed, also with his sword.
"What are you doing here." Lancelot asked
"Forgive me for not able to stand by, master." Arthur replied.
The two of them started fighting the assassins.
Archers arrived and fired arrows, the assassins tried to deflect arrows but was all shot to death.
Lancelot uncover the face of the assassins, one is a man, two are women,
"My Lord." Lancelot called to Arthur.
Arthur took a look at all three assassins they are all servants working within the palace.
Lancelot and Arthur then reached the rooftop where the assassins climb down.
"There are using some sort of strange magical device, my Lords" the soldiers said
Lancelot and Arthur looked at the device and took a look at each other.
"Pulley system?" Arthur said in confusion.
Pulley system exist in Asia, dated back to the 5th century and was been used for construction purpose and to control the sail of ships using the same principle we today use it to raise a flag, but this system wasn't introduced to the west till the late 17th century, Nobody in Europe is suppose to even know what a pulley is during this time, except those educated by Merlin.
The next day Arthur and the Knight of the Round table had a meeting to discuss the issue.
"The men are frighten, they are saying it is some most evil demons." the knight of the round table told the King
"We got those of our own, with reputation of been wizards also." Arthur said
"I am afraid it is insufficient to put the men at ease." one knight said
"What do you recommend." Arthur said
"I think we need to ask, for the return of the only one with the reputation as the most powerful wizard of the land." another knight said
"You ask for the return of Master Merlin." Arthur said
"Most of the peasants are not educated like us. The rumor of the demons are making them frighten. Only the reputation of Master Merlin, can make them feel safe." the knight said
"Alright" Arthur said
In another place close to Saxon land, was three figures.
The first was an oriental man, the other is a woman and the third is her son, Morgan and one of the King's knights.
"Mother." Morgan said and then he took a look at the oriental man "Master."
"The assassins failed." the woman said
"The failure is not important, mother. The peasants are frighten, they rumor saying the enemy here to kill the King are able to fly down from the sky and can create explosion and kill a man by a simple wave of their hand. Fear of the supernatural got more of an effect, compare to anything else." Morgan said
"Yes, but by doing so you reveal to Arthur, that he received help from the orients, for it is only the orients that possess such knowledge." the oriental man said
"Fear is more powerful then anything else, master." Morgan replied
And with that Morgan left, to return to Camelot, an knight of Arthur that is actually an enemy agent.
"I hope you are right." the oriental man said "To try ease the fear of the people, they asked Merlin to journey to Camelot."
"Merlin, she is a great sorceresses." the mother said
"She is no more of a sorceress, as you and I. Just exaggerated in the mind of the uneducated, my love." the oriental man said and kissed the woman on the lips
"For twenty years I awaited my revenge and soon, my son should sit on the throne of Uther Pendragon. Our bloodline should replace his, as the King of the Saxons. And revenge for the death of my father should be complete." the woman said
The oriental man started kissing the woman from behind and started to disrobe her, and started kissing her elbow.
The woman turned around "Tell me, my love. Who exactly is the Merlin person. Why, she travel so far?"
"She is nothing but an exile princess of a now puppet regime. Pushed into exile, by none the less, but us, the Who 胡 family." the man said and then he continue to kiss the woman, he grabbed her up and gently placed her on the bed
"Tell me Morgana what do this revenge meant for you?" The man asked the woman
"Everything" the woman said.
When Merlin accepted the invitation to Camelot, on the journey she was accompany by the protection of many soldiers.
Just as expected, there was assassin on the way and they came with a firing lance. And shot into the carriage.
The knights instead turned around and charged, just as Merlin expected, they only got one firing lance. Producing firing lance is difficult, even for Asia during that time and most firing lance are made of bamboo can only be used once. There can't possibly be many. Even after thirty years, Merlin's school only got nine firing lance, on average construct one firing lance per four years.
The knights charged forward. Merlin had a few surprises herself, a few of the knights were her own students and they threw grenades towards their enemy first killing many.
The carriage was a decoy, the person sitting in the carriage was a dummy made of hay.
Merlin was with the knights and charged forward with them, in the middle of the battle killed three enemies.
The assassination attempt failed.
Three days later, Merlin and her escort arrived to Camelot.
Arthur and the knight of the round table came forward to greet her.
"Your Highness." Merlin first showed her respect curtsy and then raise back to her feet
"Master" Arthur then said and got down on his knee and bow three times. The Knights followed their King.
Merlin was quick to help Arthur back to his feet "You are a King now, you can't get on your knee so casually." Merlin said
"Its been ten years since I last saw you, Master." Arthur said
The next day Arthur and Merlin came before the people of Camelot.
"Fear no evil and fear no demons, for we got with us, the great and powerful wizard Merlin!" Arthur said
The people cheered when Merlin appeared in front of them, this time wearing a dark blue robe.
Within their fort, Morgana and the oriental man, heard of the news.
"Merlin is a symbol of hope, for the people of Camelot." Morgana said
"Then, we must make them loose that hope." the man said
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