Saturday, February 10, 2024

Big Bang Theory: Howard V.S. Leonard why Leonard is the actual creepy one

There is an old saying "Girls love Bad Boys" This is also applicable to shows such as the Big Bang Theory. In the Big Bang Theory Penny hated guys like Howard and love guys like Leonard. But, in the real world, it is actually the exact opposite way around. 

Regarding situations like such our western media often argued saying stuff such as [There certainly are women who react strongly to rude, immature, misogynistic men. They're usually struggling with some emotional trauma. But they're the few, the exception, far from the norm.} 

Take a look at the girls below, do they look like they are struggling with emotional trama or not normal and do those guys look like misogynistic? 

The following is a few real world example of guys like Howard and girls and how it plays out in the real world

If we take a look at reality, we can actually very easily understand why is this happening. 

Some of the argument in favor of Leonard and is against Howard we can find on reddit include the following

[As for the show, Penny knows she's a strong woman who can protect herself, but she doesn't know Howard won't harm her. He has insulted her, objectified her, continued advanced when she said to stop, hid cameras to spy on her, and so on.]
But, let's take a look at how it plays out in reality 
  1. continued advanced when she said to stop: do you know who is doing that? Leonard. For example, Leonard is the one that broke into Penny's home angry at her for dating another guy. Not Howard. 

continued advanced when she said to stop: And this is another example of Leonard doing something like that 

continued advanced when she said to stop: not to forget the type of girl playing hard to get. Not I am not saying all girls play hard to get. Some girls are actually not interest and most guys got better things to do and will just disappear when girls are playing hard to get. But, just thought to point it out. 

hid cameras to spy on her, and so on: And that is a fun fact. Sitcoms often use inappropriate conduct to achieve comedy. Therefore, audiences are usually not expect to take it seriously. When Howard, used a camera to spy on her, that is using inappropriate conduct to achieve comedy. So, if TBBT is a serious drama or real life, Howard won't be doing that. When Leonard got violent and angry at Penny for showing interest in another scientist or pressure her to live with him against her will that is to serve a narrative purpose. Meaning if this is real life or a serious drama, Leonard will still be doing it. It is using comedy to justify the inappropriate conduct.

continued advanced when she said to stop: In other word the issue is never associate with whether he continue to advance, it is regarding the intention and what he is actually doing. This is associate with "stalking" Now, in different countries and State the stalking law is written differently. But, most stalking law got in common. It isn't about the act of stalking and who is the bigger stalker. It is about the intention of stalking. For example, tabloid are the biggest stalkers. But, it is not illegal. On the other hand, a lot of celebrity stalkers that are obsessed with her, they are not even half as much of a stalker. But, legally it is decided to be much more dangerous. 

Now having said that let's compare Leonard and Howard.

Leonard: Leonard got an obsessive desire for Penny to be in a committed relationship with him. Despite he claim it is love, the reality is that he got no real love towards Penny, he just wants to possess Penny to get the bragging right saying he got the type of hot girl out of his league in high school and he is not beyond getting violent and dangerous at Penny for it. In addition, his desire for Penny got to a stage of obsession, causing him to act out in violent and dangerous manner. The academic term is "Anxiety Attachment Style" these people usually got low self esteem and externalized their self esteem and project a fantasy onto a person and get an unhealthy obsessive desire to be in a committed relationship with that person. People of such nature are usually desperate for a committed relationship. Most abusive relationship got at least one person with an Anxiety Attachment Style. These people will be either an abuser or abused victim. Similar to drug addicts, some will get abusive for drugs e.g. rob a gas station or be a push over e.g. willing to pay higher price for drugs. The same is applicable to Anxiety Attachment Style people

A real world example of somebody that got violent and abusive due to Anxiety Attachment Style obsession is Amber Heard.  

A celebrity example of somebody that ended up getting abused is Will Smith

Leonard: Also the fact that he will get angry at Penny for showing interest in another scientist in the university prove that he is also an entitled narcissist. Therefore

Leonard: Leonard is an entitled narcissist that doesn't respect women's autonomy when they are not interest and he is also obsessed with Penny in a violent and dangerous manner. No let's talk about Howard

Howard: Howard is just horny. but, he is not obsessed with Penny nor is he entitled. For example, he might flirt with Penny a little bit, when she join the guys for dinner or when the guys went to the cheesecake factory for dinner. But, he never seek out Penny, he doesn't need her. He is also not an entitled narcissist. He didn't take issue with Penny showing no interest in him. Instead, it is Penny that scream at Howard.

Howard V.S. Leonard: (a) Howard is not obsessed/Leonard is obsessed (b) Howard is more about horny/Leonard is a desperate desire for a committed relationship (c) Howard won't get violent or dangerous towards Penny/Leonard already got violent and dangerous towards Penny (d) Howard won't pressure Penny to do something that she is not comfortable with/Leonard will pressure Penny to do things that she is not comfortable with

Howard (Bad Boy) won't pressure Penny to do something that she is not comfortable with/Leonard (Nice Guy) will pressure Penny to do things that she is not comfortable with 

This is also why so many feminists today felt there is a rape culture. Because, the type of people that they label as Nice Guys are guys like Leonard. If he will pressure a girl into a committed relationship with him against her will, what will stop her from conducting sexual assault upon a girl

Howard on the other hand, he is horny, but it never gone beyond a few flirty jokes and never pressure Penny to do something that she is not comfortable with. 

As for Nice Guys like Leonard, how real women react to guys like Leonard

Based on this we can actually understand why girls love the type of guys modern leftist media label as a Bad Boy and hate the ones leftist media label as a Nice Guy. The saddest thing is, leftist media = feminist. So, this whole concept of Nice Guys and Bad Boys is the thinking of modern leftist feminism. So, real women are rejecting the thinking of modern left wing feminism today. In fact, more and more women are now leaving feminism and the reason is the theories create by feminists today are getting so insane that many are actually harmful to women. 

The reality is that the type of men that modern feminist label as Nice Guys are usually the real assholes. The type of men that modern feminist label as Bad Boys are usually the ones that are actually kind to women. 

Even within leftist sitcoms, they are really struggling to spin this. We see that in the Big Bang Theory. If we really look at it objectively, about Leonard nature and Howard's nature. It is very easy to understand why in the real world, when real women come across real men that are like Howard or Leonard they will react in a way that is totally opposite to what we see in TBBT. 

In fact, think of it this way. Let's do Big Bang Theory with gender reverse. 

A male version of Penny will be: Patrick, he is a personal trainer in great shape

A female version of Leonard will be: Lisa

A female version of Howard will be: Henna. 

Now, Lisa is obsessed with Patrick. But, Patrick isn't interest and that caused Lisa to lashed out in violent and abusive manner including breaking into his home and angry at her for dating other girls. 

Now, let's take a look at Henna. A female version of Howard flirting with Penny, it will be for example Henna is always doing a sexy dance in front of the KTV machine, when Patrick is coming over for dinner. So, what people like Howard and Henna are doing is about trying to create sexual tension. 

Now, similar to Howard, Henna is not attractive. So, Henna is an ugly fat girl. So, you got an ugly fat girl doing a sexy dance, every time that Patrick join her for dinner. 

Naturally, Patrick is also not going to be interest in Henna. 

So, Lisa and Henna are both ugly fat girls that Patrick are not interest in. 

But, Lisa is an entitled narcissist not respecting the autonomy when others are not interest and will get violent and angry at other people's lack of interest. She is also obsessed with Patrick in a violent and dangerous manner. 

Henna is just attracted to the hot guy, always doing a sexy dance when Patrick is in the room, she is not some crazy obsessive psycho stalker type and she is not an entitled narcissist. 

It go without saying how Patrick will respond to the two women, even if he is not interest in either one. 

Patrick might go as far as wanting to file a restraining order against Lisa. On the other hand, he might still see Henna as a platonic friend. 

If Lisa and Henna are hot girls and not ugly fat girl. Patrick probably be sleeping with Henna and regarding Lisa, still file a restraining order against her. 

Switch back to the original gender with Howard, Leonard and Penny it is the same story. 

This principle is applicable regardless of male or female, gay or straight relationship. It is all going to be the same. 

So, bring this into the real world, with guys like Howard and girls like Henna, it is really just a matter of whether people are attracted to them or not. There is nothing else to it. 

But, with people like Leonard and Lisa, it doesn't matter whether you find them attractive, you run like hell! 

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