Monday, September 26, 2011

Video of White Guy on Taiwan music competition (English name: Benji Schwartz) (Chinese Name: Zhan-Ming Pan)

Live Performance Video 1

Live Performance Video 2

Behind the scene after loosing in the finals

Getting a leading role in a Taiwan soap opera afterwards Benji is also the one who is singing the ending theme, that we are hearing in this video

Asian Pop Life Performance: (Song: MY father ) Pop stars: (Ming-En Chan & Zhing-Song Wong) Fun fact: Ming-En Chan is a White Asian not Asian Asian

Website that allow you to buy discount stuff

Hey guys,

I came across this website that sell stuff on a discount level

Click on this link to check it out!!!

Asian Pop Life Performance: (Song: MY father ) Pop stars: (Ming-En Chan & Zhing-Song Wong) Fun fact: Ming-En Chan is a White Asian not Asian Asian

Novel Hailey's Story: Chapter 6 Part 3 of 3

Hi guys, Click here to read my novel Hailey's Story Chapter 6 Part 3 of 3

Relationship Phobia amount guys

1. I don't want to get married!!!

2 Any chance she use to be a man?

3. She want me to talk about my feelings!!!

4. If my mum find out about it, she would push me to marry her the very next day!!!

5. Me hate having in-laws!!!

6. Alimony!!!

7. I don't want kids!!!

8. I only want a one night stand, but she want a relationship (option A; be a jerk and dump her after the sex, option B: get the hell out of there!!!)

9. Do she have AIDs?

10. She is dating my best mate!!! (Male priority order: 1. His family, 2 himself 3. his mates 4. his pets 5. his girl friend)

Trust me, I am a guy, so I know :)

Asian MTV: Beauty

Asian MTV: I thought

Asian MTV:Pocket (Jackie Chan)

Click here to watch this video